Save the date. Willard and I been invited to participate in a Book Fair at Barnes & Noble this next Wednesday, September 17.2014, from approximately 1:30 pm to closing. It will be in support of Rio Vista Elementary school of Apple Valley. We hope you can make it. We will have all 13 books for sale and signing. Please come and help make this a successful event, for us, and the school. Thanks so much. Suzanne
To all of you who live in the Helendale (Silver Lakes) area, Barstow, and the Victor Valley, and would like to attend the Mojave River Trails Days family event in Helendale – October 4th and 5th, Willard and I will be there with all of our books for sale and signing. We now have thirteen books published – fantasy, mystery, adventure, ghost, mild horror, chapter books, and an anthology of short stories and poetry. Hope to see you there. Currently, more than half of the Hesperia Unified School District Libraries have my books. The popularity of my books is demonstrated by the fact that a number of schools have had to order additional copies. For further information on the event please go to Have a great day.
Greetings. Lots of excitement going on. To begin with, I now have six additional books published – book four in The Gift series, as well as a ghost story, another chapter book, a very different take on the freaky Friday theme, another mystery, and what some may call a minor horror, but I just call it a somewhat intense, sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat book. My kids at school are always asking me to write a scary book, and this is about as scary as I am likely to do. Tee hee. To see the book covers please go to To see the blurbs, click on the Amazon button on any book, and it will take you to all 13 books. There you can read the blurbs, excerpts, and reviews if you so choose. Thank you again for all of your support.
30% OFF SALE – To celebrate our birthdays, and the six new books coming out soon, all seven of my current books will be on a 30% off sale from July 12 – August 9. If you are living in the Victorville area, just call (760-617-6039) and we ca...n get together. If you live out of the area, the postage cost will be added. What a great deal! This is a personal sale, not offered by Amazon. To review my books, please go to, from which you can access Amazon, where all books are available, to read excerpts and reviews. Professional editor, Mike Foley, has read and/or edited six of my books including book four in The Gift series “In the Beginning . . . Todd,” and has called them all “winners.” Happy reading!
I'm happy to announce the launching of my new website:
I'm excited about the ease in the navigation of the new site. Web users of all ages and abilities will be able to easily navigate their way through my books, art, calendar and more. Check back often for updates on future events, new releases and special offers. You have the options right now, with 7 of my books, to purchase them with the "Buy it on Amazon" link found on the "Books" page. Be sure to like me on Facebook. Thank you and Happy Reading.